Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry

Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry
 Mildred Taylor
Adapted by Katherine Trela

Chapter/Vocab Repeated Line WWS File Link
  Cover page must accompany each copy downloaded


Chapter 1 It is the first day of school. Ch 1 Vocab
Ch 1
Chapter 2-3 The Logans try to be good children. Ch 2-3 Vocab
Ch 2-3
Chapter 4 The Logan children make choices. Ch 4 Vocab
Ch 4
Chapter 5-6 The adults make choices. Ch 5-6 Vocab
Ch 5-6
Chapter 7-8 The children learn about friendship. Ch 7-8 Vocab
Ch 7-8
Chapter 9-10 The Logans face many dangers. Ch 9-10 Vocab
Ch 9-10
Chapter 11-12 Cassie wonders if people can live in peace. Ch 11-12 Vocab
Ch 11-12
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