The Solutions Project

The Solutions Project:

Teaching Students with Moderate/Severe Intellectual Disability to Solve Mathematical Problems

Project Solutions is the most recently funded grant of the General Curriculum Access Grants at UNC Charlotte. This is a three year research project (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2016) funded by the Institute of Education Science Special Education Research with the goal of developing a high quality mathematics curriculum focused on teaching mathematical problem solving to students with severe disabilities. Dr. Diane Browder, The Edward P. and Lake Snyder Distinguished Professor of Special Education, serves as Principal Investigator, and Dr. Fred Spooner, Professor of Special Education and Dr. Ya-yu Lo, Associate Professor in Special Education, both serve as co-investigators. Alicia Saunders serves as the Research Associate/Project Coordinator and Jenny Root serves as the Graduate Research Assistant.

The purpose of the Solutions Project is to develop and field test a method for teaching students with moderate/severe intellectual disability (ID) to solve mathematical problems. The project has two major research goals:

1.      This Project will develop curriculum materials and a teacher manual for teaching mathematical problem
         solving to students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities.

2.      The Project will assess the feasibility and potential for efficacy of the intervention for improving problem solving.

 Please check back for updates on the progress of the grant periodically.


For additional information contact:

Alicia Saunders
9201 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28223
College of Education 301